Sunday, July 10, 2011

Last Bouquets of the Day

One for the truck...

After collecting in a meadow of butterfly weed, we left this in a church parking lot...last of the day.  I did all the blog entries today from the truck.  My iPhone is set up as a mobile hot spot.  So it's easy, if we have a signal.  After searching for and then settling into the motel at night it is too late and I am bushed.

Today was about putting the miles on.  It was mid 90's and scorching bright.  Still we found some nice specimens and it was a good day.


  1. Take the silks off the corn, corn is good just grilled, so leaving the corn on the husk and near the engine may work. How are the bugs?

  2. The corn sort of worked. Bugs not too bad at all. The heat was unreal today though. 99 most places. And humid. Tomorrow we will try to get most of the collecting done in the morning and early evening. Mid day out in the sun is really rough.

  3. Is wild butterfly weed anything like what you would buy as wild butterfly weed at the nursery? I mean are they related??? Or the same thing? I am planning on planting some.
