Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Big sky country

Yesterday we drove nearly all of Montana.  We ended up in Drummond. 

The day started really well with Daniel finding two locations with the exact species of Persicaria he was hoping to find.  He got wet but was very happy.

Our wildlife siting of the day was this bald eagle.  I tried to scare him out of the tree for another shot but he wasn't phased.  

We crossed Montana on two lane roads that were so infrequently traveled that drivers wave when they pass each other.  We stopped in Ingomar, MT, a small town that has an old saloon that is on the National Register of Historic Places.  The town used to be an important hub for shipping out sheared wool.  Now it is pretty dilapidated, but still very charming.  It looks like there may be 10 or so residents, if that.  They still had outhouses at the saloon.

In the saloon, I considered buying this afghan made by a local woman ($93.75 -- what kind of a price is that?) but didn't after all.  I like the pattern.  Kind of sorry I didn't.

There are casinos everywhere in Montana, even at the gas stations.  This one in Townsend caught our eye for its community spirit.

We ate at the Pioneer Cafe.  I show the menu -- really this is for my friend Loretta.  How's this for locavore?  You may need to click on it to read the finer print.  OK, I'll help you out.  The beef comes from the cafe owners drug free herd.  

It was hot all day until we started getting up into the mountains.  96!

The big sky and mountains appeared and we were happy to leave the heat of the plains behind us.

At this stage of the trip we are pushing to get to Seattle for some work that Daniel needs to get done.  Tomorrow will be another long day driving with only a few collecting stops.   After the Seattle leg we will relax a little more and get in some kayaking and hiking and more collecting that we can report on.    

For those of you suffering from the heat wave the temperature here in Drummond at 7:30 this morning is 52 degrees.  Just when I was starting to wonder why on earth I packed cold weather clothing.  We are past the heat for this trip.  We have plotted our return leg and we will be hugging the Canadian border until Michigan.  More from Seattle.  Stay cool!  

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