Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Botanical Drawing I - Materials and Methods - sixth and last class

This all went so fast.  Our last class was about composition.  We each brought in three pears and set them in different arrangements trying to find one that was pleasing.  We made thumbnail sketches of our arrangements so we could get a feel for how a drawing would look.  We tried landscape and portrait orientation, and varying amounts of white space.  

The we drew the arrangement we liked best.  We still aren't toning our drawings so we tried to indicate light and dark with line weight.  I added some bruises and specks to give a little dimension.  

There is a final project.  The assignment was to draw an arrangement of fruit or vegetables to include cone, cylinder and oval or spherical shapes.  We have a couple of weeks to complete that and then our work will be graded.  This is what I have done so far. I may do another.  I don't love this.  The tomato is too close to the center.  Also the shapes are boring.  Maybe fennel or something crinkly would-be more interesting…I bought fennel and a gnarly parsnip for this project but I ate them last night.

I start Drawing II on Saturday.  That will be about toning and shading. 

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