Friday, June 26, 2015

Drawing Class II - fifth class

The fifth class, and subsequent homework,  prepared us for our final project - drawing a branch of leaves.  We drew leaves from various perspectives.  When we draw a branch with several leaves each leaf will be seen in a different perspective.  Some will overlap, some will be seen from the side, some may appear flatter.  Mine are magnolia leaves.  

We also drew the underside of the lemon leaf (from last week).  

Tomorrow is the last class and we will focus on how we approach the final project which will make up much of our final grade. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Botanical Drawing II - Fourth Class

In class four we focused on seeing color values in gray scale.  It is kind of tricky to look at an object like a pear and then translate the colors you see on a 9 point gray scale.  For homework we had two exercises.  Here the object is to render the values of the pears very quickly and crudely, but clearly blocking out the various values.  I am not at all sure i got this right.  

The other exercise was to draw a leaf we were given in class.  It is a several step process.  First we had a photocopy of the leaf and traced the outline and major veins.  Then we copied that twice more onto tracing paper.  On the second tracing we blocked out the areas where the light rakes across the leaf.  In the third tracing we added values to indicate color.  The first tracing we transferred to good drawing paper.  Then we toned the whole leaf, referencing the two tracings so we never lost sight of the major light forms.  This is tracing two and three:

This is the leaf on paper:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Botanical Drawing II - third class

We are practicing chiaroscuro.  This is my homework this week.  Various shapes, a pear, folded paper, a curled paper ribbon, paper leaves.

Next class we move on to real plant material.  

Not at all satisfied with the above leaves, which look variegated rather than toned, I tried again.  And this time used three different pencils.  Not much better.  I look forward to the instructors demo of toning leaves.  I hope I haven't hit the end of the road already.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Botanical Drawing II - developing your skills - second class

The second class was all about values, perspective and light source.  We are exploring the ways values are relative to the values of the area that surround it.  It's a real trick of the eye.    Gray surrounded by black looks lighter than gray surrounded by white.  

In class we were given a photocopy page of a close up of a horse chestnut.  We cut out a 2 x 3 piece that we liked and then drew it using HB and then 2H pencils.  The idea was to use the photocopy as a starting point and then make it up as we went along.  I turned the image upside down for my second drawing so I wouldn't get distracted by the original.  The point was to use different values to indicate depth.  Not sure these are done but since there is a major assignment yet to do I am stopping for now.  Next is to draw a sphere with full tonal values.  That will take forever to get right.

Here is the set up for the sphere assignment.  I did not reference the sphere a lot.  Instead I referred to handouts showing the basics of highlights, reflected light, dark core etc.  This is obviously not Rembrandt lighting.  I moved the lamp for this shot. 

Ok, three 2" spheres.  From left to right:  2H, HB, 2B.  2B still needs work.  This was kind of hard to do.  I am not totally unhappy since it's a first time trying this.  Still I see flaws.  I will play with the last one some more to make the transitions more gradual. 

I think my photos are looking a little better.  I bought a color corrected LED Ott lamp.