The second class was all about values, perspective and light source. We are exploring the ways values are relative to the values of the area that surround it. It's a real trick of the eye. Gray surrounded by black looks lighter than gray surrounded by white.
In class we were given a photocopy page of a close up of a horse chestnut. We cut out a 2 x 3 piece that we liked and then drew it using HB and then 2H pencils. The idea was to use the photocopy as a starting point and then make it up as we went along. I turned the image upside down for my second drawing so I wouldn't get distracted by the original. The point was to use different values to indicate depth. Not sure these are done but since there is a major assignment yet to do I am stopping for now. Next is to draw a sphere with full tonal values. That will take forever to get right.
Here is the set up for the sphere assignment. I did not reference the sphere a lot. Instead I referred to handouts showing the basics of highlights, reflected light, dark core etc. This is obviously not Rembrandt lighting. I moved the lamp for this shot.
Ok, three 2" spheres. From left to right: 2H, HB, 2B. 2B still needs work. This was kind of hard to do. I am not totally unhappy since it's a first time trying this. Still I see flaws. I will play with the last one some more to make the transitions more gradual.
I think my photos are looking a little better. I bought a color corrected LED Ott lamp.