A friend mentioned that there is great blog publishing software on line. I looked into it. I did find some that will print your blog but there is little freedom in layout etc.
Then I found Blurb. Blurb lets you publish a book so easily it is amazing. It is a free software program you download to your computer. It allows you to create a book easily. I basically just cut and pasted my copy off the blog and drag and dropped the photos from Picasa or from iPhoto. I resized the photos to make it visually more interesting than the blog. The three-four month blog translated to a 160 page book. I was amazed. When my friend Doris said there was a book in my blog I did not think there was enough content. Was I wrong.
So this is what it looks like. I ordered one copy in hardcover. Softcover would be less expensive. Blurb recommends that you start with one to make sure it looks the way you envision it. They are right. I found so many typos...
I corrected the typos and ordered two more. A total of three books printed.
So now there is a permanent record of the trip. The flora...
And some of the bouquets I made. I love that there is an option to create two color spreads..for impact!
And single page spreads, and images that overlap...
So I am a fan of Blurb. I think the books were about $75 each. That's hardcover. There are ways to save with different paper stock. I am thinking of scanning family photos and making a Blurb book for my brothers of images from the family albums. There is so much you can do and it really is easy. Not sure when I will be adding any more to the blog or even if there will be more trips. But printing a book of the whole experience was very satisfying. If you want a copy let me know and I'll set it up so you can order it on Blurb with no up-charge.